both incorporate predictive marketing. 9. 50% of local visits occur within 24 hours of local search Keep your retargeting schedule short. While retargeting is effective, I'm sure we've all been retargeted long after we've already made a decision or purchase. Micro-moments compress the times between exploration, research, discovery, and conversion. Today, Google reports that 60% of users make purchasing decisions faster than a few years ago, and 50% of local visits are made within 24 hours of a local search.
Don't waste your precious marketing dollars. Keep your retargeting effective and your ROI positive by limiting the lifetime of a retargeted fax number list ad. Of course, the time will vary depending on the product or service. A search for “cafe near me” may have a 10-minute window; looking for a big ticket item like a car can have a window of several weeks. Final Thoughts Micro-moments are here to stay. Those who know how to reach consumers when they are looking
or doing, or going or buying and can provide useful and relevant information in a seamless user experience, will undoubtedly succeed. Sound too difficult? Try a few of these tips and you'll be ahead of most of your competition. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily of Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here. Home page Articles SEO Why Google's Quality Updates Should Be On Your Algorithmic