Now I'm no quilter but I had the idea what fun it would be to create a quilt from all the odds and ends of material stashed away from past sewing projects. It would reflect and remind me of dresses and toys made for granddaughters, summer dresses that unfortunately no longer fit, special occasion outfits, cushions made as gifts and so the list goes on. In fact a trip down memory lane of years of sewing.
I know many of our group members are already quilters but if you're like me, some guidance is needed. I have carried out a little research and it appears, well I hope so anyway, that it’s not difficult to pick, so I'll share what I have gleaned plus a couple of Youtube videos to help along the way.
Materials you’ll need
To make your quilt there are a few basic materials you’ll need; most are inexpensive and can be purchased from your local craft stores or fabric store, or online at specialty websites, that's if you are not going to use what you have by you which is what I intend to do.
You’ll need:
Cutting tools – Good cutting tools are crucial to creating a symmetrical quilt and help speed up the process, particularly for beginners. You can use regular sewing scissors, however rotary cutters are typically considered easier to use and create consistent pieces.
Cutting mat – Use a cutting mat to protect your furniture and tabletops as you work. Most cutting mats are self-healing and come with ruled lines so it’s easy to cut straight edges to the right size each time.
Ruler – Look for an extra long and wide ruler that’s made from transparent plastic. You’ll be able to sandwich fabric between your cutting board and ruler for a straight, steady cut.
Sewing basics – Stock up on straight pins, a seam ripper and safety pins before you get started – pins in particular will be very useful as you are sewing the pieces of your quilt together.
Fabric and thread – When creating your quilt you’ll need a few different types of fabric; there’s nearly endless choice here, so pick something that suits your tastes, and when you’re starting look for 100% cotton or a polyester/cotton blend since these are easiest to work with. Avoid using a cheap thread as it may break when you’re sewing – again, look for high quality cotton thread, and if in doubt choose neutral colours like white, tan or grey.
Batting – Batting, or wadding, is the filling that adds substance and warmth to your quilt. Batting is sold in different ‘lofts’, or thicknesses, and you can get them in fibres like cotton, polyester, cotton blend, bamboo and fusible. When choosing your batting consider what you plan to use the quilt for.
If I'm anything like successful with this project I'll bring it to 'show and tell' or perhaps to our next eventual real life group get together whenever that is. Hope some of you will be inspired to join me.