Member Rhonda Hanily has messaged me with details of her many projects. She sounds very busy and creative thinking about Christmas gifts so I'm sharing her message with you.
"I have sacrificed a bedroom and created a craft/office room, loving it, I’m found hiding in my room with my constantly moving mess all around me.
I have just finished a basic style beanie with my first pom pom (thought it needed it), it’s for a fellow who gave me some merino lamb fleeces. They were all tender, and as he did the shearing himself the second cuts are unbelievable, the nature of merino is that it’s like fuzz , and really holds onto the fleece.
Have been cutting off the tips also, but I think it’s worthwhile, just trying it on is lovely, pure merino lamb. Due to it be being tender I am spinning from the cloud.
Threw together another beanie for my brother, that was a lot quicker due to being a much thicker yarn, the subtle colours are nice but it’s destined to a life of abuse with a dairy farmer.
My brothers beanie is the start of my Christmas creating, I have 6 lovely beach baskets/bags, a natural basket with a sequinned watermelon Center front, then finished off with red pom poms around the top!!! Lol... "
Rhoda has put a post on our Facebook page asking for suggestions for what to put in them? Also packaging /presentation ideas???
"I’m currently trying to create dryer balls, didn’t realise they were soo big, currently formed 3 balls either green or red, I will finish when I have a bunch, will organise and package as sets in the Christmas baskets, looking like a Christmas theme for one, next might be autumn, then bright colours!
I’m using some short coarse alpaca, then natural wool, finishing with combing rubbish in a colour, then some of Janet's dry felting, hope that works."
Rhonda Hanily